When teachers adaptively use explicit instruction to engage their students with text, they weave together several important elements of effective instruction: scaffolds, engagement, knowledge building, and intensity through coherence and increased content coverage.
Interactive Teaching to Promote Independent Learning from Text
Reciprocal teaching has been effectively implemented by teachers working in both small and large group
settings, in a peer tutoring situation, in content area instruction, and most recently in listening comprehension instruction.
Teaching Reading Is More Than a Science: It’s Also an Art by Paige et al.
The art of teaching acknowledges teachers’ judgment and its role in the critical decisions made by teachers regarding the SOR and the selection, preparation, delivery, and assessment of literacy activities within the social interactions of the classroom.
Helping Children with Significant Reading Problems by Sharon Vaughn and Jack M. Fletcher
As you think about how to support your child’s reading development, the most important consideration is that they need as much time in reading and language arts instruction as possible.