When teachers adaptively use explicit instruction to engage their students with text, they weave together several important elements of effective instruction: scaffolds, engagement, knowledge building, and intensity through coherence and increased content coverage.
Interactive Teaching to Promote Independent Learning from Text
Reciprocal teaching has been effectively implemented by teachers working in both small and large group
settings, in a peer tutoring situation, in content area instruction, and most recently in listening comprehension instruction.
What Constitutes a Science of Reading Instruction? by Timothy Shanahan
One’s comfort with today’s science of reading seems to depend on which instructional approaches one advocates and what one is willing to accept as determinative evidence. [In] this article, I delve into the nature of the kind of evidence that should be the basis of a science of reading instruction.
Investigating a Text Structure Intervention for Reading and Writing in Grades 4 and 5 [PDF] by John Z. Strong
Reading has cognitive consequences that extend beyond its immediate task of lifting meaning from a particular passage….Accumulated over time, they carry profound implications for the development of cognitive capabilities.
What Reading Does for the Mind by Anne E. Cunningham and Keith E. Stanovich
Reading has cognitive consequences that extend beyond its immediate task of lifting meaning from a particular passage….Accumulated over time, they carry profound implications for the development of cognitive capabilities.
Teaching Reading: Development and Differentiation by Melanie R. Kuhn and Katherine A. Dougherty Stahl
When it comes to teaching reading, we believe that many of the disputes surrounding best practices are the result of taking what is appropriate for some children and applying it to all learners.
Literacy Learning for Infants, Toddlers, & Preschoolers by Tanya S. Wright et al
From some of the foremost early literacy development experts in the field comes this practical resource for all educators of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers.
Maximizing Access to Reading Intervention [PDF] by Katharine Pace Miles et al.
The collaboration in this study serves as a model for how academics, and practitioners can join forces and leverage their expertise to reach more students.