CSR is an excellent technique for teaching students reading comprehension and building vocabulary and working together cooperatively.

CSR is an excellent technique for teaching students reading comprehension and building vocabulary and working together cooperatively.
[S]tagnation in reading growth
leads to a probable conclusion that instructional factors that promote early reading development are
either missing or are receiving less-than-optimal emphases in many curricular reading programs.
RD are one of the frontier topics in educational research and practice. Tremendous efforts are being made in research and policy to understand the profiles of RD and to design more individualized remediation plans.
Knowledge about how print operates and how it holds meaning allows children…simple access to the wide world of written language.
The authors examined the role of an intervention designed to increase reading comprehension, reading self-efficacy beliefs, and engagement in social studies for middle school students of varying language backgrounds.
Schacheter and Piasta conducted a phenomenological study in which 20 preschool teachers participated in observations, planning interviews, and simulated recall interviews designed with the goal of understanding how the teachers used data to guide their students’ language and literacy development.
This paper describes the ‘Word Nerds’ project, a research–practice partnership consisting of two researchers from a large public university and 17 elementary teachers in seven school districts in the United States. The collaboration was formed to study variation in instructional practice among teachers using the Words Their Way programme and address teacher-generated questions related to how children learn to spell words.
This book is a guide for building a strong foundation for reading during the early childhood years. We have collaborated with classroom teachers to design clear, realistic, practical, and successful strategies that work in real classrooms with real teachers and real students.
When the National Assessment of Educational Progress in Reading (NAEP) results are published biennially, journalists and policymakers focus on the approximately third of a fourth-grade cohort who fail to attain the basic standard in reading comprehension. A legitimate concern is that these students do not have the literacy levels required for full participation in the global digital world of the 21st century. However, the attributions
and claims of their literacy levels go far beyond this concern. . .
Educators are always in search of approaches that promote student development and academic achievement. Engaging learners in purposeful instruction in skills and strategies is a cornerstone in every classroom. The gradual release of responsibility (GRR) model requires the responsibility of learning to shift from being teacher-centric towards students gradually assuming responsibility as independent learners.