This paper describes the origins of the widely used curriculum-based measure of oral reading fluency (ORF) and how the creation and use of ORF norms has evolved over time.
Impact of Classroom-Based Fluency Instruction on Grade One Students in an Urban Elementary School by Tim Rasinski et al.
[S]tagnation in reading growth
leads to a probable conclusion that instructional factors that promote early reading development are
either missing or are receiving less-than-optimal emphases in many curricular reading programs.
Whole Class or Small Group Fluency Instruction: A Tutorial of Four Effective Approaches by Melanie Kuhn
This article will consider fluency’s role in terms of development and then present a review of four research-based instructional approaches, two for the whole class and two a for small group, that have been shown to increase students’ word recognition, fluency, and comprehension.