In this article, we describe a text analysis proto- col, guide, or checklist, the Guide to Analyze Texts for Elementary Students (GATES), which teachers can use to examine complex texts for the purpose of determining instructional obstacles and affordances as part of standards-based reading instruction planning.
Self-Regulated Strategy Development in Writing by Karen R. Harris and Steve Graham
Self-Regulated Strategy Development for writing can help everyone: teachers and students, with and without learning disabilities.
Understanding Shifts in Reading and Its Instruction by Steven A. Stahl
Outside of education, people view the shifts and swings of instruction with bemusement, if they do not have school-age children, or with alarm, if they do. In reading, we have swung from a whole word methodology to phonics to direct instruction to whole language, with various stops along the way, over the course of my lifetime.
Special Education Teacher Preparation, Literacy Instructional Alignment, and Reading Achievement for Students with High-Incidence Disabilities by Roddy Theobald et al.
We used survey and administrative data from Washington State to assess the degree to which
special education teacher preparation, district literacy instructional practices, and the alignment
between preparation and practice were associated with the reading test score gains of students with high-incidence disabilities taught by early-career special education teachers in grades 4-8.
Organization and Management of Language Arts Teaching: Classroom Environments, Grouping Practices, and Exemplary Instruction by Lesley Morrow, Ray Reutzel, and Heather Casey
A major concern of teachers is organization and management of their language arts programs.
Teachers are able with appropriate professional development to integrate cutting-edge strategies into their literacy curriculum, but have a difficult time putting the different pieces of the program together in their school day.
The Science of Reading Progresses: Communicating Advances Beyond the Simple View of Reading by Nell Duke and Kelly Cartwright
The simple view of reading is commonly presented to educators in professional development about the science of reading. The simple view is a useful tool for conveying the undeniable importance—in fact, the necessity—of both decoding and linguistic comprehension for reading. We discuss the need to lift up updated theories and models to guide practitioners’ work in supporting students’ reading development in classrooms and interventions.
Professional Resources
Professional Resources for Reading Education for Educators and Parents.
Effectiveness of Scaling Up a Vocabulary Intervention for Low-Income Children, Pre-K through First Grade by Neuman et al.
This study examines the effectiveness of scaling up a vocabulary intervention, pre-K–first grade, using a structured adaptation of the World of Words that allowed teachers some autonomy over its implementation. The purpose was to determine whether such an adaptation could maintain fidelity and promote positive child outcomes.
Curriculum Associates: Putting Scientific Evidence to Work in Reading Instruction by D. Ray Reutzel
The reading wars between proponents of phonics-based and other approaches designed to teach children to read have been around for many years. [E]very few decades this …battle erupts anew….