Overview of Content-Oriented Reading Instruction (CORI) by John T. Guthrie, Angela McRae, and Susan Lutz Klauda

Overview of Content-Oriented Reading Instruction (CORI) by John T. Guthrie, Angela McRae, and Susan Lutz Klauda

The primary aim of Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction (CORI) is to increase students’  comprehension in Grades 3 to 5 by increasing their reading engagement…[T]he reading goals include the following reading comprehension strategies: understanding the main idea, making inferences, monitoring comprehension, and using fix-up strategies for information and narrative texts. We included oral reading and fluency vocabulary as enabling competencies.  Click the image to read […]

Explicit Instruction by Dana Robertson

Explicit Instruction by Dana Robertson

When teachers adaptively use explicit instruction to engage their students with text, they weave together several important elements of effective instruction: scaffolds, engagement, knowledge building, and intensity through coherence and increased content coverage.


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